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      Cuban Society on the Horizon of Digital Transformation: A View from Mediations to the Social Appropriation of Technology Translated title: La sociedad cubana en el horizonte de la transformación digital: una mirada desde las mediaciones hasta la apropiación social de la tecnología



            The appropriation of technologies for information and communication is deeply related to the economy, institutions, and social history. This article will propose a list of mediations to explain the characteristics of the computerisation achieved in Cuba so far, with the help of some examples that illustrate the particularities of the Cuban appropriation of ICT's technology. The analysis will show the relevance of regulatory frameworks, economic forms of social organisation and public policies when explaining the social appropriation of digital technology in Cuba. They express the centrality and weight of the State in Cuban society to determine the limits and forms of computerisation available to different social actors.

            La apropiación social de las tecnologías para la comunicación y la información está profundamente relacionada con la economía, las instituciones y la historia social. El artículo propondrá una lista de mediaciones para explicar las características de la informatización lograda en Cuba hasta el momento, con la ayuda de algunos ejemplos que ilustran las particularidades de la apropiación de las tecnologías digitales cubanas. El análisis va a mostrar la importancia de los órdenes regulatorios, las formas económicas de la organización social y las políticas públicas a la hora de explicar la apropiación social de las tecnologías en Cuba. Ellos expresan la centralidad y el peso del Estado en la sociedad cubana para determinar los límites y las formas de la informatización disponible para los diferentes actores sociales.


            Author and article information

            International Journal of Cuban Studies
            Pluto Journals
            1 July 2020
            : 12
            : 1 ( doiID: 10.13169/intejcubastud.12.issue-1 )
            : 119-134
            Instituto Cubano de Investigación Cultural ‘Juan Marinello’, Cuba
            Author notes
            [ 1 ]

            Hamlet López García. Ph.D. in Social Communication and M.Sc. in Social Psychology (University of Havana). Researcher in the Instituto Cubano de Investigación Cultural ‘Juan Marinello’ (Cuban Institute of Cultural Research Juan Marinello) and member of its Scientific Board. Professor of the Communication School (University of Havana). Member of the CLACSO Work Group ‘Policies and audiovisual production in the digital era in America Latina’ He has published several scientific articles and book chapters in the subject areas of digital participation in the culture, computerisation policies and social appropriation of technologies.

            © International Institute for the Study of Cuba

            All content is freely available without charge to users or their institutions. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission of the publisher or the author. Articles published in the journal are distributed under a http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.

            Custom metadata

            Literary studies,Arts,Social & Behavioral Sciences,History,Cultural studies,Economics
            TICs,social appropriation of technology,mediations,informatización,computerisation,apropiación social de las tecnologías,mediaciones,ICT's


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