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      Muslims and the Charlie Hebdo Saga



            Of recent, newspapers across Europe carry headlines portraying Muslim radicalism. This is true giving the complicity of Muslim youth in various violent attacks. The headlines resonate amidst the growing nationalism in Europe, deeply tainted and lanced with conservatism. The Charlie Hebdo attack equally reiterated the protracted debates on the extent to which Islam is compatible with Western ethos. The attack further brought to surface the issue of freedom of expression, an essential part of Western democracy. This raises questions such as: who determines and what constitutes the public sphere; what are the lines of distinctions between the private and public domains; should there be a level of shared respect between the majority and minority; are European Muslims an integral part of the mainstream European society; what factors shape the radicalization of European Muslim youth; does religion actually have huge space in their minds; and, how much does constructivism present and resolve the protracted debate between the European Muslim community and the host society. Radicalization of European Muslim youth is less of ideology, but more of socio-economic deprivation.


            Author and article information

            Policy Perspectives: The Journal of the Institute of Policy Studies
            Pluto Journals
            : 12
            : 2
            : 81-104
            Dr. Bakare Najimdeen is an IPS associate and teaches International Relations, primarily in Preston University, Islamabad.
            © 2015, Institute of Policy Studies

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            Education,Religious studies & Theology,Social & Behavioral Sciences,Law,Economics


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