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    Review of '<b>The Modification and Extension of the Equivalence Principle</b>'

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    Long-winded and laboured and little take-home stuff.
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    The Modification and Extension of the Equivalence Principle

    In this article, the strong equivalence principle is analyzed by the gravitational mechanism of etheric pressure, and the conclusion is drawn that an object at rest in a uniform gravitational field of a certain strength is equivalent to moving in a straight line in a uniform etheric space with a certain speed (not a certain acceleration). According to this gravitational mechanism, gravitational field is a scalar (energy) field, and gravity is caused by the asymmetric density distribution of space energy, resulting in the asymmetric etheric pressure on the object at rest in space. The experimental fact of equivalence between gravity fields and velocity (rather than acceleration) in terms of time dilation has proven the equivalence between uniform gravity fields and inertial systems with uniform motion. It further deduces that gravity fields are equivalent to velocity in terms of the increase in the inertial mass effect of objects, and gravity fields are equivalent to velocity in terms of the contraction effect of the electron orbit radius of atoms. The Ether (energy) field with a gradient of field strength generated by a fluid whose flow velocity decreases perpendicular to its motion is equivalent to the gravitational field with a gradient of field strength. Using these modified and extended equivalence principles, the author explains Newton's bucket experiment, the Casimir effect, and explains what reference system the flow rate of fluid in Bernoulli equation is relative to, and why the higher the flow rate is relative to the reference system, the lower the pressure.

      Review information

      This work has been published open access under Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Conditions, terms of use and publishing policy can be found at www.scienceopen.com.

      Equivalence principle, strong equivalence principle, gravitational field, non-inertial system

      Review text

      The Modifica􀆟on and Extension of the Equivalence Principle – A Review
      (Dr) Edward Brell PhD
      Einstein introduced his equivalence principle in 1907; see Stachel (1979), (Ghins 2001). Ever since then, this
      principle has been the focus of intense debate and controversy among physicists and philosophers of physics.
      The title for Jian’an Wang’s paper is a powerful challenge to Einstein himself. We shall see whether the rest of
      his paper fulfils the title’s promise.
      THE ABSTRACT – Strengths
       Summary of Research: The abstract provides a concise summary of the paper's purpose, methodology,
      and key findings. It mentions the modification and extension of the equivalence principle based on
      etheric pressure, explaining its connection to time dilation and gravitational effects.
       Accessibility and Time Efficiency: The abstract is relatively short and readable, allowing readers to
      grasp the essence of the study quickly.
       Research Objective: The objective of modifying and extending the equivalence principle based on
      etheric pressure is clearly stated.
       Key Findings: The abstract highlights the core findings, including the equivalence between certain
      gravitational fields and specific uniform motions in ether, the equivalence of gravitational force and
      inertial force in specific situations, and the explanation of phenomena like Newton's bucket experiment
      and the Casimir effect through etheric pressure.
       Significance and Implications: The abstract touches upon the potential implications of the proposed
      model, suggesting its possible application to other phenomena and its contribution to understanding
      gravity and motion.
      THE ABSTRACT – Areas for improvement
       Mathematical Framework: While the abstract mentions formulas, it lacks details about the
      mathematical derivations supporting the claims. More specific information about the mathematical
      framework would lend credibility and allow for deeper verification.
       Experimental Evidence: The abstract focuses mainly on theoretical arguments and interpretations of
      existing observations. While thought-provoking, it could benefit from mentioning potential avenues for
      experimental validation of the proposed etheric mechanism.
       Occam's Razor: The introduction of Casimir effect and Newton's bucket experiment adds
      unnecessary complexity to the explanation at the abstract level. Addressing how the model compares to
      existing frameworks like general relativity in terms of explanatory power and simplicity would
      strengthen the argument.
       Overall, Wang's paper presents a unique perspective with intriguing arguments, but the abstract could
      be further enhanced by addressing the points mentioned above. More details on the mathematical
      framework, potential experimental avenues, and comparison with existing theories would provide a
      more comprehensive and compelling picture of the research.
       NASA1 weighs in: “More than 80% of the universe is made of stuff we have never seen. These ghostly
      forms of energy and matter are only detectable by the effects they have on the stuff we can see. The
      invisible form of matter, called dark matter, makes up roughly 30% of the universe’s total mass. Its
      gravity drives normal matter (gas and dust) to collect and build up into stars, galaxies, and massive
      galaxy clusters. Although astronomers cannot see dark matter, they can detect its influence by
      observing how its gravity bends and distorts light from more-distant objects, a phenomenon called
      gravitational lensing.”
       It would be helpful to know whether Wang’s research contradicts or complement NASA’s position.
       Sketches would also be helpful in understanding the principles involved.
       Internal consistency: The paper builds a consistent framework within its proposed model, explaining
      phenomena like Newton's bucket experiment and the Casimir effect using etheric pressure
      principles. This suggests a well-thought-out internal logic to the arguments.
      1 NASA, ESA, M.J. Jee, and H. Ford (Johns Hopkins University): “Shining a Light on Dark Matter”
       Originality: The paper tackles the equivalence principle from a novel angle, offering an alternative
      interpretation based on etheric pressure. This originality can be seen as a strength, as it opens doors for
      new perspectives and potential discoveries.
       Lack of experimental evidence: The paper primarily relies on theoretical arguments and existing
      observations. While the interpretations provided are interesting, they lack direct experimental
      validation of the proposed etheric mechanism. This raises concerns about the validity of the
      conclusions drawn.
       Compatibility with existing theories: The etheric pressure model seems to diverge from established
      theories like general relativity. The paper doesn't adequately address potential contradictions or provide
      reconciliation strategies, leaving questions about its compatibility with the broader scientific
      Often readers of complex papers skip from Title to the Conclusion to get the general gist of the paper presented.
      Thus, concluding statements should reflect the arguments presented in the main and not just a restatement of
      entry premises and resulting conclusions. Therefore, while the arguments in Wang's paper have some strengths,
      particularly their internal consistency and originality, they also suffer from significant weaknesses related to
      lack of evidence, compatibility issues, and limited mathematical details. This makes it difficult to definitively
      say whether the conclusions logically follow the arguments.
      The logical validity of an argument depends not only on the internal consistency of its reasoning but also on the
      truth of its premises. In this case, the existence and properties of ether remain highly speculative. Without
      presenting solid support for these premises, the conclusions drawn will naturally be less convincing.
      Scientific progress often involves challenging existing paradigms and proposing new ideas. Even if Wang's
      paper doesn't ultimately overturn established theories, it can still be valuable for stimulating further research and
      discussion about gravity and the equivalence principle.
      Finally, it should be noted this is just one perspective on the paper. It's crucial to consider the research in its vast
      entirety and engage in further discussion to fully evaluate its strengths and limitations.
      Stachel, J. (1979). Einstein's Odyssey: His journey from Special to General Relativity. The
      Sciences, 19(3), 14-15.
      Ghins, M., & Budden, T. (2001). The principle of equivalence. Studies in History and Philosophy of
      Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 32(1), 33-51.


      Many thanks to (Dr) Edward Brell PhD for his rigorous, careful and high-level review of this article. The following are the author's answers to the review comments about the areas in need of improvement and questions in this article ( paragraphs in bold and black) :


      1、THE ABSTRACT – Areas for improvement 
      · Mathematical Framework: While the abstract mentions formulas, it lacks details about the mathematical derivations supporting the claims. More specific information about the mathematical framework would lend credibility and allow for deeper verification.


      Answer: The article will add the following derivation to prove that gravitational field is equivalent to velocity:

      If a particle of mass m is fixed at a point r from the center of the disc rotating at an angular speed ω relative to the earth,the inertial centrifugal force subjected to the particle is: fI=mIω2r=mIv2/r.


      At a point r from the Earth's center of mass, the gravitational force on a particle of mass m is: fg=GmgM/r2.


      Let: fI=fg, we get: mIω2r=GmgM/r2.


      According to the weak equivalence principle, the inertial mass is equal to the gravitational mass, i.e. mI=mg, so we have: ω2r=GM/r2, i.e. v2=GM/r. This gives the equivalent of velocity and gravitational field.

      Applied to time dilation we gett = t0√(1 - v^2/c^2) is equivalent to t = t0√(1 - GM/rc^2)


      1. Experimental Evidence: The abstract focuses mainly on theoretical arguments and interpretations of existing observations. While thought-provoking, it could benefit from mentioning potential avenues for experimental validation of the proposed etheric mechanism. Occam's Razor: The introduction of Casimir effect and Newton's bucket experiment adds unnecessary complexity to the explanation at the abstract level. Addressing how the model compares to existing frameworks like general relativity in terms of explanatory power and simplicity would strengthen the argument.

      Answer: I agree with the reviewer's opinion to remove the experimental content such as Casimir effect and Newton's bucket experiment from the abstract. Add to the article and abstract the comparison of this model with existing gravitation theories (Newtonian gravitation and general relativity) :


      1. About the equivalence principle

      General relativity: A uniformly accelerated system is equivalent to a uniform gravitational field.

      This model: A system moving uniformly relative to the aether is equivalent to a uniform gravitational field.


      2.About spacetime bending

      General relativity: Mass causes space-time to bend.

      This model: The mass of an object causes the density of space energy (aether) around the object to decrease with increasing distance from the object's mass center. The essence of space-time bending is the uneven distribution of the density of space energy (aether).


      3.About the essence of gravity

      General relativity: The essence of gravity is the curvature of space-time.

      This model: The essence of gravity is etheric pressure. Gravity is caused by the asymmetric etheric pressure acting on the object due to the uneven distribution of the density of space energy (aether).


      4.About gravitational field

      Newtonian gravity and general relativity: the gravitational field is a vector field, and the gravitational field at a point in space is the sum of the vectors of the gravitational fields of all objects in the universe at that point.

      This model: The gravitational field is a scalar field (energy or aether field), and the gravitational field of a certain point in space is the scalar superposition of the gravitational field of all objects in the universe at that point [6].  Since the probability wave of microscopic particles (photons, electrons, neutrons, protons, etc.) is the ether (energy) wave [1], the probability density is the ether (energy) density [1], and all objects are composed of microscopic particles. So, the gravitational field of an object is created by a scalar superposition of the probability (ether or energy) field of all the microscopic particles that make up the object. The gravitational field at any point in space is created by a scalar superposition of the probability (ether or energy) field of all the microscopic particles in the universe.


      5.About dark matter

      Newtonian gravity and general relativity: The "too fast" movement of stars in galaxies and the "too fast" movement of galaxies in clusters and the additional gravitational lensing effect are due to the presence of dark matter in galaxies and clusters.

      This model: Since the gravitational field is a scalar field (energy or aether field), the gravitational field of a point in space is the scalar superposition of the gravitational field of all objects in the universe at that point, so Newton's formula for universal gravitation is only suitable for describing the motion of the planets in the solar system, not suitable for describing the motion of the stars in the galaxy and the motion of the galaxies in the galaxy cluster. The motion of stars in the galaxy and the motion of galaxies in the cluster are normal motions, and there is no problem of excessive speed. The so-called extra gravitational lensing is actually normal gravitational lensing effect, and dark matter does not exist [6].


      6.About supermassive black hole

      General relativity: Some galaxies have a supermassive black hole at their center.

      This model: Since the gravitational field is a scalar field (energy or aether field), the gravitational field at a point in space is a scalar superposition of the gravitational fields of all objects in the universe at that point. When the galaxy is large enough in mass and small enough in radius, the scalar superposition of the gravitational fields of all the stars in the galaxy at the center of the galaxy will superimpose a gravitational field (energy field) strong enough that time comes to a near halt in that gravitational field and the wavelength of the photons approaches infinity. So there's a black hole at the center of the galaxy. There is no such celestial body as a supermassive black hole at the center of a galaxy [6].


      7.About Mercury's perihelion precession

      General relativity: Mercury's perihelion precession is caused by the curvature of space-time caused by the sun's mass.

      This model: Since the gravitational field is a scalar field (energy or aether field), and the gravitational field of a point in space is the scalar superposition of the gravitational field of all objects in the universe at that point, Newton's formula for gravitation is suitable only for describing the motion of the planets in the solar system around the Sun, and is strictly true only if the planets are far enough away from the Sun to treat the Sun as a particle.The closer the planet is to the sun, the more the gravitational force on the planet deviates from (greater than) the value calculated by Newton's universal gravitation formula. Mercury's perihelion precession is caused by this property of gravity[7].



      1. IN THE MAIN
        · Overall, Wang's paper presents a unique perspective with intriguing arguments, but the abstract could be further enhanced by addressing the points mentioned above. More details on the mathematical framework, potential experimental avenues, and comparison with existing theories would provide a more comprehensive and compelling picture of the research.

      · NASA1 weighs in: “More than 80% of the universe is made of stuff we have never seen. These ghostly forms of energy and matter are only detectable by the effects they have on the stuff we can see. The invisible form of matter, called dark matter, makes up roughly 30% of the universe’s total mass. Its gravity drives normal matter (gas and dust) to collect and build up into stars, galaxies, and massive galaxy clusters. Although astronomers cannot see dark matter, they can detect its influence by observing how its gravity bends and distorts light from more-distant objects, a phenomenon called gravitational lensing.”

      · It would be helpful to know whether Wang’s research contradicts or complement NASA’s position.
      · Sketches would also be helpful in understanding the principles involved.


      Answer: According to this gravitational model [6] : The gravitational field is a scalar field (energy or aether field), and the gravitational field at a point in space is the scalar superposition of the gravitational field of all objects in the universe at that point. The so-called extra gravitational lens effect is actually normal gravitational lensing (see Explanation of the super-gravity lens effect in galaxies, reference [6]), and dark matter does not exist.The total amount of so-called "dark matter" in the universe calculated by this gravitational model is 75% (see formula (6.13) references [6]), which is very close to the 85% observed.


      · Internal consistency: The paper builds a consistent framework within its proposed model, explaining phenomena like Newton's bucket experiment and the Casimir effect using etheric pressure principles. This suggests a well-thought-out internal logic to the arguments.

      1 NASA, ESA, M.J. Jee, and H. Ford (Johns Hopkins University): “Shining a Light on Dark Matter”

      · Originality: The paper tackles the equivalence principle from a novel angle, offering an alternative interpretation based on etheric pressure. This originality can be seen as a strength, as it opens doors for new perspectives and potential discoveries.

      · Lack of experimental evidence: The paper primarily relies on theoretical arguments and existing observations. While the interpretations provided are interesting, they lack direct experimental validation of the proposed etheric mechanism. This raises concerns about the validity of the conclusions drawn.

      · Compatibility with existing theories: The etheric pressure model seems to diverge from established theories like general relativity. The paper doesn't adequately address potential contradictions or provide reconciliation strategies, leaving questions about its compatibility with the broader scientific framework.


      Answer: General relativity says that the essence of gravity is the curvature of space-time. In this model, gravity is regarded as etheric pressure, which is caused by the asymmetric etheric pressure acting on the object due to the uneven distribution of space energy (etheric) density. The bending of space-time is compatible with the uneven distribution of the density of space energy (aether) or the essence of the bending of space-time is the uneven distribution of space energy (aether) density.

      Often readers of complex papers skip from Title to the Conclusion to get the general gist of the paper presented. Thus, concluding statements should reflect the arguments presented in the main and not just a restatement of entry premises and resulting conclusions. Therefore, while the arguments in Wang's paper have some strengths, particularly their internal consistency and originality, they also suffer from significant weaknesses related to lack of evidence, compatibility issues, and limited mathematical details. This makes it difficult to definitively say whether the conclusions logically follow the arguments. The logical validity of an argument depends not only on the internal consistency of its reasoning but also on the truth of its premises. In this case, the existence and properties of ether remain highly speculative. Without presenting solid support for these premises, the conclusions drawn will naturally be less convincing. Scientific progress often involves challenging existing paradigms and proposing new ideas. Even if Wang's paper doesn't ultimately overturn established theories, it can still be valuable for stimulating further research and discussion about gravity and the equivalence principle. Finally, it should be noted this is just one perspective on the paper. It's crucial to consider the research in its vast entirety and engage in further discussion to fully evaluate its strengths and limitations.

      Answer: What is energy? This is a question that current physics does not answer thoroughly. This aether theory holds that energy is the most basic substance that constitutes the universe (including all elementary particles and space-time), and aether is energy. Since the existence of energy has been confirmed by numerous experiments and natural phenomena, the existence of aether (energy) is beyond doubt.

      So is the hypothesis that aether is energy - the most basic matter that makes up the universe (including all elementary particles and space-time) valid? The following argument should be a strong support for this hypothesis:

      Of the equivalence principle, Einstein once said: "I am greatly surprised by its existence, and suspect that there must be a key to a deeper understanding of inertia and gravity." The key is the aether (energy) theory. Using the key of the aether (energy) theory, we solve the problem of inertia and gravity, that is, gravity and inertial forces are generated by the pressure difference of the aether.

      The reason why the object has inertia is because the object is bound by the aether. The higher the etheric density of the space in which the object is located, and the greater the mass of the object, the greater the bondage of the object by the etheric, that is, the greater the inertia of the object (the greater the inertial force of the object when it is accelerating).

      The key of the aether (energy) theory not only unlocked the lock of inertia and gravity, but also unlocked many other frontier physics problems:

      1. In the field of quantum mechanicsThe interpretation of probability wave as aether (energy) wave and probability density as aether (energy) density is given, and quantum phenomena such as wave-particle duality, wave function collapse, single-quantum double-gap interference, and quantum entanglement are successfully explained. New uncertainty relations are given and the latest experimental results of uncertainty relations are successfully explained [1]

      2. In the field of special relativity: The physical mechanism of constant speed of light is given, the principle of constant speed of light and the principle of special relativity are modified, and the Lorentz transformation formula is derived from the two modified principles, and a new explanation of the effect of time dilation, length contraction and mass increase is given [2]. The Lorentz factor and Lorentz transformation are modified, and an alternative explanation of the blackout is given [3], and the power source of planetary tectonic movements (including earthquakes and volcanic eruptions) is given [4], and the physical mechanism of the Tunguska Explosion is given [5].

      3. In the field of gravityNewton's formula of gravitation is revised, the physical mechanism of gravitation is given, the cause of dark matter and black hole phenomena is explained, and the cause of the change of gravitation constant is explained [6], the physical mechanism of Mercury's perihelion precession is given [7], and the gravitational redshift is corrected to gravitational blue shift. The equivalence principle is modified, the reason why inertial forces are equivalent to gravity is explained, and the Casimir effect is explained [9].

      4.In the study of the nature of time: Unified the concept of time in special relativity and general relativity, reached the conclusion that time is an aether (energy) flow and that time is proportional to the fourth power of absolute temperature, and explained the Mpemba effect and the cause of the Ice Age [8].

      5.In classical mechanics: The physical mechanism of inertia and inertial force generation is given, the constitution of the absolute frame of reference is given, Newton's three laws are amended, Newton's bucket experiment [9], the origin of ocean current and atmospheric circulation [10] and the frame of reference of fluid motion in Bernoulli's equation[9] are explained.



      [1]     Wang, J. (2021). The Etheric Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics. European Journal of Applied Sciences, 9(5). 380-386.

      [2]      Wang, J.A. (2019) The Modification of Special Relativity. Journal of Modern Physics, 10, 1615-1644. doi: 10.4236/jmp.2019.1014107.

      [3]      Jianan Wang. Why do spacecraft always experience a black-out area that disrupts communications when they return to Earth?. ScienceOpen Preprints. 2023. DOI: 10.14293/PR2199.000242.v2

      [4]      Wang, J. (2020) Cosmic Expansion: The Dynamic Force Source for All Planetary Tectonic Movements. Journal of Modern Physics, 11, 407-431. doi: 10.4236/jmp.2020.113026.

      [5]      Wang, J. (2020) Solving the Mystery of the Tunguska Explosion. Journal of Modern Physics, 11, 779-787. doi: 10.4236/jmp.2020.116050.

      [6]      Jian’an  Wang. (2022). The Modification of Newton's Gravitational Law and its Application in the Study of Dark Matter and Black Hole. Adv Theo Comp Phy, 5(3), 510-517.

      [7]      Jian’an Wang. (2022). The Physical Cause of Planetary Perihelion Precession. Adv Theo Comp Phy, 5(3), 508-509.

      [8]      Jian’an Wang. Mpemba effect - the effect of time. ScienceOpen Research. 2022. DOI: 10.14293/S2199-1006.1.SOR.2022.0001.v1

      [9]      Jianan Wang. The Modification and Extension of the Equivalence Principle. ScienceOpen Preprints. 2023. DOI: 10.14293/PR2199.000552.v1

      [10]   Jian’an Wang, Advances in Geoscience. Volume 3, Issue 1, 2019 (23)       

      2024-01-30 14:23 UTC

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